(We do not offer the following services: x-rays, emergencies, ultrasound, major surgery, and orthopedic surgeries.)
We attempt to accommodate as many situations as possible; however, we are not a major surgical facility and your pet may require more advanced care than we are able to provide. In addition, Community Pet Outreach does not perform surgery or anesthetic procedures on any patients with underlying or ongoing health problems. If your pet has epilepsy, seizures, cardiac/heart disease, liver or kidney problems, hypoglycemia, immune disorder, or any other health issues, we are unable to perform surgery or any anesthetic procedure.
For all Surgeries
Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work
Before surgery, you will be offered pre-anesthetic blood work for your pet. This blood work will help us determine how well your pet will do under anesthesia. The liver and kidneys are the two organs that are required to metabolize, or break down, the anesthesia. This blood work tells us how these organs are functioning and how well they will be able to metabolize the anesthesia. Blood work is required on pets over 8 years of age and is highly recommended on all other pets.
Anesthetic dental cleanings are recommended annually for all pets. A pre-surgical consultation with a doctor is required to determine If your pet is a candidate for an anesthetic dental cleaning.
* Surgery pricing includes anesthesia, a pain control injection, 3 days of pain control to take home and an e-collar to protect the surgical site.
Special Notes to Cat Owners